Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Marquis of Rubí's Infantry Regiment, raised in 1713 in Barcelona by himself as Imperial Viceroy of Majorca, with the aim to contribute defending the island from the upcoming Bourbon Spanish invasion.
Sheet showing 3 textured paper historical flags of battalions belonging to the 14th International Brigade (also known as La Marseillaise), at 1:72 scale.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Queen's Own Infantry Regiment. This unit was raised in Barcelona in 1705 in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain; the flags shown here are those approved in 1708.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two Portuguese Infantry colours with the so-called Aviz Cross (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned version).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Irish Brigade's Castelar Infantry Regiment of Philip d'Anjou (better known by its later name of Hibernia IR).
Bagged set containing 1 white metal figure of a Bourbon spanish Line Infantry flag bearer.
Flag pole is a separate part, so a little assembly is required. Warning: flag itself is not included.
Bagged set comprising 4 white metal figures of a Bourbon spanish Line Infantry command set; it comprises officer, flag bearer, drummer and NCO.
Flag pole and drum are separate parts, so a little assembly is required.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Town of Saragossa Infantry Regiment, better known as Alcaudete on behalf of its colonel, raised by this town in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1705-1713). Later it garrisoned Milan until its ultimate incoporation into the Imperial...
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two Portuguese Infantry colours belonging to a 1701 pattern variant (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned version).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two flags supposedly used by Busquets' Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Our Lady of The Forsaken Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Saint Narcissus Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Saint Eulalia Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Our Lady of Rosary Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government to face the Two Crowns after the Treaty of Utrecht, in what was known as "All Cost War" (1713-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Town of Alicante Infantry Regiment, better known as Richardi on behalf of its colonel, raised in Alicante region in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1706-1709).
1 high quality materials model kit consisting of just 9 parts --made out of resin, metal and plastic, as iy can bee seen by pictures. Assembly instructions on box reverse.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two Portuguese Infantry colours belonging to a 1701 pattern variant (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned version).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Irish Brigade's McAuliffe Infantry Regiment of Philip d'Anjou (better known by its later name of Ultonia IR).
Bagged set containing 1 resin model of a bailed out, or destroyed tank --this one, a Spanish Republican Sadurní tank. Cast in one single piece. Sold unpainted only.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Admiral of Castile Infantry Regiment, better known as Ahumada Regiment on behalf of its first colonel. This unit was raised in Portugal in 1703 in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain, lasting as such until 1721.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 23 parts each, allowing these to be built either as a StuG III or a StuH 42. Decal sheet and assembly instructions inside box.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 9 to 13 parts each, depending on version built. Decal sheet and assembly instructions inside box.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 15 parts each. Decal sheet with US and British markings, as well as assembly instructions, inside box.
Bagged set containing 1 white metal figure of an Austrophile spanish, or Austro-catalan, Line Infantry flag bearer.
Flag pole is a separate part, so a little assembly is required.
Bagged set comprising 4 white metal figures of an Austrophile spanish, or Austro-catalan, Line Infantry command set; it comprises officer, flag bearer, drummer and NCO.
Spontoon, halberd, flag pole and drum are separate parts, so a little assembly is required.
Boxed set with 1 fast assembly plastic model kit consisting of 17 parts, besides of 8 German artillerymen figures. Assembly instructions at box reverse.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 13 parts each, allowing two different guns to be mounted. Decal sheet and assembly instructions inside box.
Sheet showing 3 textured paper historical flags of battalions belonging to the 12th International Brigade (also known as Garibaldi Brigade), at 1:72 scale.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two 1701 pattern Portuguese Infantry colours (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned variant).
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit, consisting of just 7 parts. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few metal parts. One of these is a flamethrower version, so including a propellant and and fuel trailer. Inclusive of 2 white metal crewmen. Assembly instructions on box reverse.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 11 parts each. Decal sheet with US, South African and Brazilian markings as well as assembly instructions inside box.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Valencia Kingdom Infantry Regiment, raised by the valencian institutions in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1706-1709).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two colours of the Portuguese Marine Infantry Regiment or "Terço da Armada" (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned variant).
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 14 parts each. Decal sheet with US, British, French and Brazilian markings as well as assembly instructions inside box.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 17/18 parts each, allowing these to be built either as F1 or F2 versions. Decal sheet and assembly instructions inside box.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Catalan Guards of Charles Habsburg, an elite guard and fighting unit first raised in 1705.
Boxed set with 1 fast assembly plastic model kit consisting of 30 parts, besides of 8 Italian artillerymen figures and a small decal sheet. Assembly instructions inside box.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Spanish Guards of Philip d'Anjou, an elite guard and fighting unit first raised in 1703.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the City of Barcelona Infantry Regiment, raised by that town's Municipality in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1705-1714).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the City of Valencia Infantry Regiment, raised by this municipality in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1706-1709).
Improvement kit for T-26 and BT tanks, as well as for BA-3 or BA-6 armoured vehicles, consisting of a quality resin turret with hatches and a highly detailed brass gun barrel.
2 white metal sprues, each containing 3 different machine guns. Weapons in one sprue are intended for hull, while those of the second one are for turret.
Modernist style Wine cellar, dimensions L265 x W160 x H160mm approx. Robust and lightweight, with a core of thick cardboard while towers, baseboards, doorways and other elements in resin. Interior optionally practicable through roof. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Kit includes a complete assembly instructions sheet.
Bagged set containing 1 resin model of a bailed out, or destroyed tank --this one, a German or Spanish Nationalist Panzerbefehlswagen I ausf. B command tank. Cast in one single piece. Sold unpainted only.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1666-1912 Moroccan warship. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1568-1643 Polish-lithuanian Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L22 mm, mast flags W8 x 15 & W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to English civil vessels, all of them attested by European travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin model of a Japanese atakebune. Kit consists of just 8 parts, most of which are optional. Set is complemented by a flag sheet with an early Edo period set of flags - 17th century, roughly.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags for one or several Japanese warships from the Tokugawa Shogunate. Sizes: larger standards 8 x 16 mm, smaller ones 6 x 2 mm, imperial flag 8 x 24 mm.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to Ottoman civil vessels, all of them attested by European travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to French civil vessels, all of them attested by European travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to Portuguese civil vessels, all of them attested by European travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
One mixed resin + plastic model kit consisting of 8 parts. Hull and running gear are made of hard plastic, while turret is resin. Additional parts for optionally building a T-26 mod. A tank.
One mixed resin + plastic + white metal model kit consisting of 14 parts. Lower hull and running gear is made of hard plastic, while upper hull and AA gun are mostly made of resin --the only exception to this is the gun barrel, that is made of white metal. Complimented by 3 German crewmen figures.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to Spanish civil vessels, all of them attested by European travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
Sheet with various historical flags attributed to civil vessels of the Persian Gulf, all of them of uncertain location but attested by European or Japanese travelers and cartographers. Sizes: larger ones W12 x L18 mm, smaller ones W8 x L12 mm.
Boxed set with 3 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few white metal parts. One of each car model: Mercedes Benz W154, Auto Union type D and Alfa Romeo c12/312. White metal pilots included. Decalsheet with serial numbers in white, black, blue and red colours. Assembly instructions and painting schema on box reverse.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a Persian warship under the Safavid dynasty (1576-1736). Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin and metal model of a polacre or polacca. Kit consists of 9 parts --resin hull, while all the rest are white metal cast. Set is complemented by a flag sheet with 17th & 18th centuries Sicilian ensign, flags and pennant. Assembly instructions, on box reverse. Total length 7 cm (bowsprit apart).
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a XVII century Armenian trader under the Safavid dynasty of Persia. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing 3 textured paper historical flags of battalions belonging to the 13th International Brigade (also known as Dombrowsky Brigade), at 1:72 scale.
Sheet showing 3 textured paper historical flags of battalions belonging to the 11th International Brigade (also known as Thaelmann Brigade), at 1:72 scale.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 17<sup>th</sup> century Holy See warship. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1668-1693 Russian Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L23 and W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1674-1818 Maratha Confederation warship. Sizes: ensigns W10 x L24 mm, mast flag W9 x L14 mm, jacks W6 x L12 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of Emanuel Wynn pirate, around the end of 17th century. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a warship from Brandenburg between 1657 and 1701 (when it was renamed as Kingdom of Prussia). Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1555-1748 Mogul (or Mughal) Empire warship. Sizes: ensign W10 x L24 mm, mast flags W9 x L14 mm, jacks W6 x L12 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1630-1707 Scottish Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin and metal model of a mediterranean xebec. Kit consists of just 8 parts --resin hull, while all the rest are white metal cast. Set is complemented by a 1580-1780 Barbary corsair flag sheet. Assembly instructions, on box reverse. Total length 6 cm (bowsprit apart).
Sheet containing 1/72 scale waterslide decals for building a Ford AA van as either a Catalonian frontline bookmobile, a Spanish Republican ambulance or a fictional, humouristic British bookmobile.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a Holy Roman Empire warship from 17<sup>th</sup> to 1786. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin and metal model of an early frigate. Kit consists of 10 parts --resin hull, while all the rest are white metal cast. Set is complemented by a flag sheet with a 1640-1653 Secession War Catalan ensign, flags and pennant. Assembly instructions, on box reverse.
Sheet containing 1/72 scale waterslide decals for up to 4 Soviet, Finnish, Turkish and Spanish (both SCW sides) T-26 mod. A or B tanks --also suitable for other similarly sized AFVs, such as BA-3 or BA-6 armoured cars, or BT-5 fast tanks.
Sheet containing 1/72 scale waterslide decals for up to 4 German, Hungarian, Spanish Nationalist and British BUF's Panzer I Ausf. B tanks --also suitable for other similarly sized AFVs.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1569-1813 Swedish warship. Sizes: ensign W12 x L23 mm, mast flags 8 mm square & W8 x L15 mm, jack W6 x L11 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet containing 1/72 scale waterslide decals for up to 4 German, Spanish Nationalist and Kuomintang Chinese Panzer I Ausf. A tanks --also suitable for other similarly sized AFVs.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1630-1940 Danish warship. Sizes: ensign W12 x L23 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 & W8 x L15 mm, jack W6 x L11 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of an English Man-of-war from the Commonwealth period (1649-1653). Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Bagged resin kit of a Vickers 105mm howitzer (105/22), also comprehensive of its limber (same as in 20GEV035 Landesa Tractor boxed kit). A total of 6 parts in white metal.
White metal kit of a Schneider 155/13 howitzer in pack, consisting of just 5 parts. It's the same gun of 20GEV014 IGC Sadurní tractor boxed set, but this one in firing position.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 17th cent. to 1715 Majorcan privateer. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 17th cent. to 1816 Sicilian merchantman or privateer. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 17th cent. to 1714 Catalan merchantman or privateer. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1530-1798 Maltese warship. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags for one or several Chinese junks from Ming dynasty (up to 1644). Sizes: main mast flags W10.8 x L20 mm, stern flags W6.5 x L12 mm, rectangular flag W12 x L16 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1621-1660 Dutch West Indiaman. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing a total of 18 white metal figures: eleven riflemen, two NCOs, a 2-man LMG team, officer, standard bearer and 'christophore' or crucifix bearer. Set complemented by a paper sheet containing three Carlist flags.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a Barbary corsair between 1580 and 1780. Sizes: swallow tailed ensign W8 x L20mm, rectangular ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flag W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing a total of 12 white metal figures and 2 models: two LMG teams, one light mortar team, one Hotchkiss HMG team, two officers and standard bearer. Set accompanied by a paper sheet containing a Moroccan Regulars flag.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1676-1707 English East Indiaman. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing a total of 18 white metal figures: twelve riflemen, MMG team, standard bearer and two commanders/commissars. Set complimented by a paper sheet containing three Anarchist flags.
Boxed set containing a total of 19 white metal figures: thirteen riflewomen, two female NCOs, one LMG team, female standard bearer and commander. Set complimented by a paper sheet containing three Female Battalions flags.
Boxed set containing a total of 8 white metal figures --those of an officer, standard bearer, bugler and horse holder, as well as their respective mounts. All figures different. Set includes a cavalry standard and pennants. Some assembly required.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of Thomas Tew pirate (1691-1695). Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1355-1798 Venetian ship, either civilian or naval. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing a total of 13 white metal figures and 1 model: two LMG teams, one light mortar team, one Hotchkiss HMG team, two officers, bugler and a standard bearer. Set accompanied by a paper sheet containing three Nationalist Army flags.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1581-1660 Dutch Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1602-1660 Dutch East Indiaman. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of Henry Morgan, a renowned English privateer between 1663-1672. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing a total of 12 white metal figures and 1 model: two LMG teams, one light mortar team, one Maxim HMG team, two officers and a standard bearer. Set accompanied by a paper sheet containing three Republican Army flags.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1630-1707 English Man-of-war belonging to the Blue Squadron. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L1 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1630-1702 English Man-of-war belonging to the White Squadron. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 9 parts, including optional mudguards and headlights. White metal driver and right side escort. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1630-1707 English Man-of-war belonging to the Red Squadron. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly model kit; it consists of just 4 resin parts, as well as metal MGs for hull and turret. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1518-1730 Ottoman Empire Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W6.5 x L16 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 10 parts, including optional mudguards and headlights. White metal driver and right side seat. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1518-1730 Ottoman Galleon. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit, consisting of just 8 parts. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of Laurent de Graff, a renowned French privateer between 1675-1695. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 11 parts, including 2 white metal MGs and 2 headlights, metallic too. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1661-1790 French Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One single model of the Renault FT-17 tank. It consists of two sprues. The main one comprises the 4 parts needed for hull and running gear, while the smaller sprue includes 2 alternative turrets and 2 optional weapons.. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1696-1790 French Indiaman. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One single sprue of the T-26 tank, models A & B. Sprue consists of 10 parts –3 of which correspond to the alternative "A" Mod. 1931 version. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1640-1653 Catalan Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1640-1653 Catalan Galleon. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
One single sprue of the Panzer I Ausf. A tank. Sprue consists of 10 parts –2 of which are alternative turrets for the tank. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1642-1701 Portuguese Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing 2 resin & metal model kits --a tracked tractor and a Vickers 105mm gun. Set is completed by a white metal driver and passenger. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1667-1706 Portuguese Galleon. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
1 mainly resin model kit consisting of 16 to 18 parts - depending on the variant, for you can either build it as a Catalan bookmobile or as an ambulance, thanks to the optional parts provided. Kit is complimented by a white metal female driver/librarian, as well as a set of decals with Catalan bookmobile, Spanish Republican ambulance and what-if...
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1583-1658 Dunkirk privateer in Spanish service. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly model kits, each one consisting of just 4 resin parts. Also inclusive of 2 white metal weapons sprues (the one containing 3 alternative turret weapons, the other 3 alternative hull MGs), as well as a decals sheet with several SCW Basque and VBCW Welsh markings. Assembly and painting schemas on box reverse.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1642-1701 Spanish Man-of-war. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
1 high quality resin model kit consisting of 10 resin parts, 2 in hard plastic and 1 in white metal, besides of an also resin SCW driver. Assembly instructions and painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1520-1701 Spanish Galleon. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
1 high quality resin model kit consisting of 13 resin and 4 white metal parts, besides of an also white metal SCW driver. Assembly instructions and painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Boxed set containing 2 model kits --a resin tracked tractor and a white metal Schneider 155mm howitzer. Set is completed by a white metal driver. Decalsheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box...
Boxed set containing 1 resin model kit as well as 6 white metal figures of driver, officer & crew. Set is completed by a white metal driver. Decalsheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
1 high quality resin and metal model kit consisting of just 7 parts, inclusive of separate turret hatches and a finely shaped 45mm gun barrel. Set is complemented by a decals sheet with markings for several Soviet, Finnish, Turkish and Spanish (both Republican and Nationalist) vehicles. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on...
1 high quality resin model kit consisting of 17 parts --four of which are an optional T-26 turret along with separate hatchets and brass gun barrel. Also, set includes two different windshield options --either open or closed. Set in complimented by a decals sheet with markings for different vehicles of both SCW sides.
Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits. Each model consists of just 10 parts. White metal machine guns and fore lights. Assembly instructions and painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Boxed set with 3 fast assembly plastic model kits, each of which consists of two sprues. The main one comprises the 4 parts needed for hull and running gear, while the smaller sprue includes 2 alternative turrets and 2 optional weapons. Decalsheet with national markings for SCW Basque & Republican, French and VBCW Anglican League tanks. Assembly...
Boxed set containing 2 fast assembly plastic model kits. Each sprue consists of 10 parts –3 of which correspond to the alternative "A" Mod. 1931 version. Decalsheet with national markings for several Soviet, Finnish, Turkish and Spanish (both Republican and Nationalist) vehicles. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box...
Boxed set containing 1 mixed resin & plastic model kits. Each set consists of 10 resin parts and 2 optional plastic parts. Decalsheet with national markings for several German, Hungarian, Spanish Nationalist and VBCW BUF vehicles. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing both the ceremonial and battle versions of Saint Eulalia's Standard, high flag of Barcelona city and its militias (1640-1714).
Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits. Paper flags sheet with Government flags of Spanish Republic, Catalonia and Basque Country. Model consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. Assembly schema on box reverse. Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Boxed set containing 3 fast assembly plastic model kits. Each sprue consists of 10 parts –2 of which are alternative turrets for the tank. Decalsheet with national markings for several early German, Kuomintang Chinese and Spanish Nationalist vehicles. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Blister containing 1 resin & white metal large full rigged ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Boxed set containing 1 resin model kit. Each set consists of 3 resin main parts, besides of a white metal Hotchkiss MG. Decalsheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Blister containing 1 white metal medium flute ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Blister containing 1 white metal small/medium galleon type ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Blister containing 1 white metal full rigged medium ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Boxed set of 1 fast assembly model kit, mostly made of hard plastic and resin, with some white metal minor parts. Decalsheet with national markings for SCW Basque & Republican, French and VBCW Anglican League tanks. Assembly instructions and Painting schema on box reverse.
Blister containing 1 white metal Brig medium ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Sheet showing several textured paper historical flags of a 1218-1797 Genoese ship, either civilian or naval. Sizes: ensign W12 x L18 mm, mast flags W8 x L12 mm, jack W6 x L9 mm, pennant W4 x L48 mm.
Blister containing 1 white metal Schooner small ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Boxed set with 2 easy assembly resin & white metal model kits. Decalsheet with what-if national markings for Turkish, Spanish Republican, Catalan and VBCW Liverpool Free State. Assembly instructions and Painting schema on box reverse.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the General Deputation Infantry Regiment, raised by the Catalan Government in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1705-1714).
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin and metal model of a large galleon. Kit consists of 17 parts --resin hull, bow and optional mast tops, while all the rest of parts are white metal cast. Set is complemented by a flag sheet with a 1640-1653 Reapers' War Catalan ensign, flags and pennant. Assembly instructions, on box reverse.
Bagged set containing 1 resin model of a downed aircraft --this one, a Russian or Spanish Republican Polikarpov I-15 fighter. Cast in one single piece. Sold unpainted only.
Boxed kit containing 1 high quality resin and metal model of a large galleon. Kit consists of 16 parts --resin hull, bow and optional mast tops, while all the rest of parts are white metal cast. Set is complemented by a flag sheet with a 17th century Spanish ensign, flags and pennant. Assembly instructions, on box reverse.
Bagged set containing 1 white metal 2-masted, 14-guns Indian grab or ghurab model. Total length 6.1 cm - bowsprit aside. Sails or flags not included. Some assembly is required.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Walloon Guards of Philip d'Anjou, an elite guard and fighting unit first raised in 1702.
Blister containing 1 white metal Sloop small ship. Some assembly is required. Model kit not inclusive of the flags here depicted --these ought to be purchased apart.
Bagged set containing 1 white metal 3-masted, 20-guns Indian grab or ghurab model. Total length 7.4 cm - bowsprit aside. Sails or flags not included. Some assembly is required.
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