Improvement kit for T-26 and BT tanks, as well as for BA-3 or BA-6 armoured vehicles, consisting of a quality resin turret with hatches and a highly detailed brass gun barrel.
1 high quality materials model kit consisting of just 9 parts --made out of resin, metal and plastic, as iy can bee seen by pictures. Assembly instructions on box reverse.
Boxed set containing 2 model kits --a resin tracked tractor and a white metal Schneider 155mm howitzer. Set is completed by a white metal driver. Decalsheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box...
Boxed set containing 1 resin model kit as well as 6 white metal figures of driver, officer & crew. Set is completed by a white metal driver. Decalsheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
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