Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 11 parts each. Decal sheet with US, South African and Brazilian markings as well as assembly instructions inside box.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Valencia Kingdom Infantry Regiment, raised by the valencian institutions in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain (1706-1709).
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing two colours of the Portuguese Marine Infantry Regiment or "Terço da Armada" (the one commonly described by scholars and a hypothetical emblazoned variant).
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 14 parts each. Decal sheet with US, British, French and Brazilian markings as well as assembly instructions inside box.
Boxed set with 2 fast assembly plastic model kits consisting of 17/18 parts each, allowing these to be built either as F1 or F2 versions. Decal sheet and assembly instructions inside box.
Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Catalan Guards of Charles Habsburg, an elite guard and fighting unit first raised in 1705.
Boxed set with 1 fast assembly plastic model kit consisting of 30 parts, besides of 8 Italian artillerymen figures and a small decal sheet. Assembly instructions inside box.
Vallejo Model Color acrylic paints range: 70.854 Brown Glaze
Offer until June 1 or end of stocks
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