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1/100 Renault FT-17 - Single model

One DLP 3D printed model kit in blister; it consists of just 2 parts (hull and turret). No assembly required. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/100 Racing Cars - Boxed set

Boxed set with 3 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few white metal parts. One of each car model: Mercedes Benz W154, Auto Union type D and Alfa Romeo c12/312. White metal pilots included. Decalsheet with serial numbers in white, black, blue and red colours. Assembly instructions and painting schema on box reverse.
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1/72 Racing Cars - Boxed set

Boxed set with 3 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few white metal parts. One of each car model: Mercedes Benz W154, Auto Union type D and Alfa Romeo c12/312. White metal pilots included. Decalsheet with serial numbers in white, black, blue and red colours. Assembly instructions and painting schema on box reverse.
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20mm Requeté Militia

Boxed set containing a total of 18 white metal figures: eleven riflemen, two NCOs, a 2-man LMG team, officer, standard bearer and 'christophore' or crucifix bearer. Set complemented by a paper sheet containing three Carlist flags.
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1/72 UNL-35 AFV - Single model

One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 11 parts, including 2 white metal MGs and 2 headlights, metallic too. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/72 Bilbao AFV - Single model

One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/72 Trubia-Naval tank - Boxed set

Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly model kits, each one consisting of just 4 resin parts. Also inclusive of 2 white metal weapons sprues (the one containing 3 alternative turret weapons, the other 3 alternative hull MGs), as well as a decals sheet with several SCW Basque and VBCW Welsh markings. Assembly and painting schemas on box reverse.
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1/100 Granit truck

Auto-sealed bag with header card containing 1 resin Phänomen Granit light truck.
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1/100 UNL-35 AFV - Single model

One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 10 parts, including 2 white metal MGs and 2 headlights, metallic too. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/72 UNL-35 AFV - Boxed set

Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits. Each model consists of just 10 parts. White metal machine guns and fore lights. Assembly instructions and painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
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1/100 Bilbao AFV - Single model

One bagged, easy assembly resin model kit; it consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/72 Bilbao AFV - Boxed set

Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits. Paper flags sheet with Government flags of Spanish Republic, Catalonia and Basque Country. Model consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. Assembly schema on box reverse. Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
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1/100 UNL-35 AFV - Boxed set

Boxed set containing 2 easy assembly resin model kits. Each model consists of just 10 parts. White metal machine guns and fore lights. Schema and painting guide based on Vallejo range, at box reverse.
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1/100 Bilbao AFV - Boxed set

Boxed set containing 4 easy assembly resin model kits. Paper flags sheet with Government flags of Spanish Republic, Catalonia and Basque Country. Model consists of just 10 parts, including an optional turret light. Hard plastic machine gun and fore wheels. Assembly schema on box reverse. Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
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