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1/100 Renault FT-17 - Single model

One DLP 3D printed model kit in blister; it consists of just 2 parts (hull and turret). No assembly required. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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BtH Action Card Templates
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BtH Action Card Templates

Spanish Civil War themed Action Card blank Templates (language agnostic) for Bag the Hun, a Too Fat Lardies' aerial warfare game.
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1/100 Racing Cars - Boxed set

Boxed set with 3 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few white metal parts. One of each car model: Mercedes Benz W154, Auto Union type D and Alfa Romeo c12/312. White metal pilots included. Decalsheet with serial numbers in white, black, blue and red colours. Assembly instructions and painting schema on box reverse.
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1/72 Racing Cars - Boxed set

Boxed set with 3 easy assembly resin model kits, with a few white metal parts. One of each car model: Mercedes Benz W154, Auto Union type D and Alfa Romeo c12/312. White metal pilots included. Decalsheet with serial numbers in white, black, blue and red colours. Assembly instructions and painting schema on box reverse.
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20mm Requeté Militia

Boxed set containing a total of 18 white metal figures: eleven riflemen, two NCOs, a 2-man LMG team, officer, standard bearer and 'christophore' or crucifix bearer. Set complemented by a paper sheet containing three Carlist flags.
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