
1/100 Renault FT-17 - Single model

One DLP 3D printed model kit in blister; it consists of just 2 parts (hull and turret). No assembly required. A convenient reinforcement for your armoured unit –or just for giving the model a try!
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1/100 Vickers 105mm gun

Pack containing one DLP 3D printed cannon model kit. No assembly required.
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1/100 Queen's Own IR flags

Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Queen's Own Infantry Regiment. This unit was raised in Barcelona in 1705 in support of Charles Habsburg's claims to the throne of Spain; the flags shown here are those approved in 1708.
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1/100 XIV International Brigade Flags

Sheet showing 3 textured paper historical flags of battalions belonging to the 14th International Brigade (also known as La Marseillaise), at 1:100 scale.
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1/100 Valois' Tercio flags

Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Valois' Tercio of Philip d'Anjou.
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