Naval accessories

Naval accessories

1/600 Battle sails XL set

Bagged set comprising a full complement of masts and sails for very large ships, in battle sails configuration.
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1/600 Full sails XL set

Bagged set comprising a full complement of masts and sails for very large ships, in full sails configuration.
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1/600 Battle sails L set

Bagged set comprising a full complement of masts and sails for large ships, in battle sails configuration.
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1/600 Full sails L set

Blister containing one 8.3cm high mast and a full set of 2.9cm wide sails.
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1/600 Far Eastern Rigging

Bagged set comprising a full complement of masts and sails for Far Eastern ships.
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1/600 Unfurled Lateen sails

Bagged set comprising 3 lateen rigged masts with unfurled sails, in white metal.
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1/600 Furled Lateen sails

Blister containing 3 lateen rigged masts with furled sails, in white metal.
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1/450 Light guns

Blister containing 8 light naval guns and crews, in white metal.
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1/450 Medium guns

Blister containing 8 medium naval guns and crews, in white metal.
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1/450 Heavy guns

Blister containing 8 heavy naval guns and crews, in white metal.
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