
70.810 Royal Purple

Vallejo Model Color acrylic paints range: 70.810 Royal Purple
Offer until June 1 or end of stocks

1/56 Brabant IR flags

Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing the King's and the Regiment's colours that belonged to the Brabant Infantry Regiment of Philip d'Anjou.
In stock

1/600 Galley type 2

Bagged set containing 1 white metal galley model. Inclusive of two weaponry choices. Total length 6.2 cm. Some assembly is required.
In stock

20mm Maghribian turbans (m)

Bagged set containing 9 white metal male heads wearing North African style turbans.
In stock

15mm Maxim HMG teams

Blister containing 8 Maxim HMG Republican crewmen.
In stock

1/35 Mercier tank

One resin and white metal model kit consisting of 7 main parts.
In stock

1/600 Heavy Galley type 1

Bagged set containing 1 white metal galley model. Inclusive of two weaponry choices. Total length 7.1 cm. Some assembly is required.
In stock

20mm Maghribian Tarboosh (m)

Bagged set containing 9 white metal male heads wearing North African style Tarboosh caps.
In stock

1/56 St. Eulalia High Flag

Printed DIN A7 paper sheet containing both the ceremonial and battle versions of Saint Eulalia's Standard, high flag of Barcelona city and its militias (1640-1714).
In stock

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